Monday, September 21, 2009

Career Counselling and Career Guidance at angstcorner

Cruise through your career irrespective of the economy.

One’s career can be compared to driving in a pot holed road. Any careful driver takes adequate precautions while traversing the road. The motorist has to make sure that damage to the vehicle as well as the occupants is minimized. Every successful professional likewise makes sure that he or she manoeuvres the career journey in a similar manner. There are always going to be similar potholes strewn in the career road. The challenge is to be alert, detect these potholes on time and steer one’s career around these obstacles. There would also be smooth stretches of road when one could be speeding along only to be confronted by a policeman issuing a ticket for over speeding. It is all about alertness and it is therefore important that one does not ever take things easy.

Nothing is a constant in life and one has to have the foresight to always expect change, much of which can be nasty many times. How does one surmount them and come out unscathed? How does one find the energy and guile to take on the office politicians? How does one just stand out in the corporate jungle? How does one plan a career that is ultimately fulfilling? One may have the most coveted job and yet he or she may not be happy.

Once the basics are established the career counselling coach will develop a resume to better reflect the next step in the career path. The next step for career counselling will be to assess the individual's strengths and weaknesses and, working together, establish key action words to describe a picture of the prospective employee. In what is often referred to as The 60 Second Sell, good career counselling will train the candidate to describe their attributes in a complete and concise manner. We all know how important networking is to our careers and businesses these days and fresh opportunities can be few and far between. The 60 Second Sell or Elevator Pitch is a term for quickly selling your best features or what you have to offer in 60 seconds or less. Career counselling will train you to create and use this tool most effectively.

What can we do for you?

It does not matter if you are just a fresher or a person with very little work experience. This might be the right time to plan your career as you have a long working window ahead of you. Alternatively, you may be a person with a few decades of experience and might be actually facing a mid career crisis. We can help irrespective of the years of experience you have or whether you have taken a break in your career to attend to something you always wanted to do and now want to get back to the corporate world. You might be planning to take a sabbatical and might someone neutral looking at things and giving you an honest opinion. You need someone outside your immediate set of colleagues, friends, bosses and peers who can look at all the facts and sift the facts from the emotion. We often get so involved in the routine that it makes terrific sense to take a break, not necessarily from your job but from your environment and see and feel the world around.

Career Counselling and Career Guidance

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