Monday, September 14, 2009

Working in a Young Office Environment

The Global News Network AFP has recently reported “if it’s longevity you are after, you may want to consider spending more time with members of the younger generation”. Of course, this scientific study was done on fruit flies (!) but by a great stretch of imagination it can be extrapolated to us humans too. But then, this was a truism known to our ancients and past generations. Youth does infect the old with longer life!

So working in a young office environment has all the benefits of radical calorie restrictions or human growth hormone. It is a consummation devoutly to be wished (as Shakespeare would say) by the relatively older!

However some rules must be followed and observed. The younger crowd will always have an indulgent attitude towards the older folk. “Hello Old man, ol’ timer, ancient relic” and such appellations would be freely used by the youth. One should take such remarks in a sporting manner and not get slighted at any stage.

There is another serious matter that the elder male generation should be aware of. And this is the very touchy subject of Sexual Harassment. It is very easy to be misunderstood if a young female colleague takes exception either to your remarks about her, or your behavior or even the way you treat her.

Whether there is any truth in it or not, the elder colleague must be chary of the risks involved. So please avoid any sexist remarks or sexist jokes or anything that can be misconstrued and given a sexist slant.

The best way to bring the younger crowd to your corner of the ring is to don the mantle of an elder statesman, a wise man full of helpful wisdom. Because of the sheer weight of your knowledge and experience in the ways of world, the younger crowd will come to you for advice and you should be able to help them in every way. This in itself is a very rewarding experience.

Another thing that should be borne in mind is that you should act your age and if you cannot take part in the activities of the younger colleague, you should ask to be excused in a gentle way, citing your advanced years and not try to get into their sphere of activities and eventually making a fool of yourself.

Seriousness and jocularity should go hand in hand both used in proper moderation and dignity. Acting one’s age and exuding wisdom is the best choice for senior citizens to portray in an office environment populated by the younger generation. Finally enjoy doing what you are doing with all sincerity that you can muster and may your broad shoulders be a haven for youth’s problems.

Age is no longer the criterion for career growth. It is all about merit and competence.

Career Counseling Services, Job Interview Advice

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