Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tips to Safeguard jobs during recession

Here are a couple of tips to safeguard your job .... There could be more, please feel free to add !

1. Attitude and behavior
- Generally companies wait for a chance to cleanse the organization of people who don't have a great attitude and behaviour ! So be POSITIVE

2. Performance : Critical factor... in cases where it is difficult to define "productivity" as in the IT/BPO service space, please ensure that your supervisor knows about your performance ! Pay extra importance to productivity and Quality .... Clients can be most demanding at this time.

3. Avoid long holidays : At this time it is important that you prove yourself and you are around in the office. If the company can manage without you being around, then you might not be needed ! Avoid taking leave at this time.

- Avoid short holidays as well !!! Ensure that you spend longer hours at work. Both quality and quantity of work is important now.

4. Extra work : Take in extra work when existing employees take leave or are terminated

5. Initiative and Involvement : Show initiative and take up additional responsibility.

6. Acquire New Skills : Acquire new skills that are useful to you and the company ! Multitasking is the favourite buzzword these days.

7. Relax and Medidate : Job related stress factors that adversely affect health can be minimized by taking up yoga and medidating. This should help counter the day to day problems !

I am sure there is light at the end of the tunnel... but it is best that we continue to follow the above to safe guard our job at all times :)

Hope you found the above useful !

Your comments/responses are most welcome.

Thanks !

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