Friday, March 26, 2010

What Not To Include In Resume?

Your resume is a piece of paper that serves to introduce you to the people who will eventually hire you. When you gathered information for each section of your resume, it's time to write it out in a way that will get the attention of the reviewer. The language you use in your resume will affect its success, so you must be careful and conscientious.

To begin, you're going to translate the facts you have gathered into the active, precise language of resume writing. You will be aiming for a resume that keeps the reader's interest and highlights your accomplishments in a concise and effective way. Certain things should always be included in your resume, but others are optional. Your choice of optional sections depends on your own background and employment needs.

Always use information that will put you in a favorable light-unless it's absolutely essential, avoid anything that will prompt the interviewer to ask questions about your weakness or something else that could be unflattering. Make sure all information you are providing is accurate and truthful. Here are some guidelines about what to and not to include in the resume while writing it

Things to Be Included in Resume
Following are the things that should be included in your resume:
*Include a career or job objective if it's specific. If your objective is general, instead include a summary of skills and qualifications.
•Include all work experience and education.
•Include any strengths and accomplishments in your job descriptions.

Things Not To Be Included in Resume
Following are the things that should not be included in your resume:
•Do not list salaries for any job.
•Do not include personal information, such as date of birth, marital status, religion, ethnic group, height, weight, or health.
•Do not include names of supervisors or references. You may end your resume with statement "References available on request," but this is optional and can be omitted if you have space concerns.
•Do not use the word Resume on the top of the page

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Why is an effective resume important?

Your Resume is very important in your search for your dream job. There are others with the same experience as you have. Is your Resume good enough to be called for an interview?

The first step to finding a job is to have a remarkable and succinct resume that recruiters and employers find hard to discard. Does your Resume possess that competitive edge? You have only a few seconds to make an impression! Your Resume represents you! Have you got everything right?

How can you avail of the Resume Writing Service?

Send your Resume at and our industry expert will get back to you with the analysis. Payments can be made using Credit cards, Debit cards and Internet Banking in our website. For our customers in India, we provide an additional facility of making payments by cheque. In case you are making payment by cheque, please also send a copy of your latest Resume.

We look forward to serving you

Resume Writing - CV Writing - Resume Writing India

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Professional Resume Services

With the economy going the way it is, you need to be aggressive and take charge of your career. Companies are more and more selective on whom they interview and hire. YOUR RESUME is the first thing the company sees and it needs to shout out, “I’M THE PERFECT CANDIDATE!” Does your current resume do that? Does your resume represent your brand?

If you have sent your resume and cover letter to LOTS of companies and still no bites, you need to take a serious look at your resume–your career depends on it.

Most times, clients just aren’t sure what they should include on their resume and cover letter. We get asked the same questions time and time again– “What is my resume lacking? Too much info? Not enough? 1 page? 2 pages? 3? What is acceptable? Are there rules? What will get my foot in the door? I just want to get to that interview”

We can help you.

We know what needs to be on the resume. We know what questions to ask, what information should be on the resume, and what to focus on to get your foot in the door. We talk to employers. We know what they need to know about you, and we know how it should look. We can help you identify your personal brand and let it shine through on your resume.

We have been trained by the PIONEERS of the resume writing industry and have honed those skills into creating one-of-a-kind professional and executive resume campaigns and branding strategies.

Do your Resume good enough to be shortlisted? Get your Resume Written by an expert. Select any your afford options for Resume writing and get your professional Resume.

Welcome to one of the best investments you will ever make in your journey to finding your perfect job!

Resume | CV Writing | Resume Writing India

Monday, March 22, 2010

How Can You Write a Niche Resume?

It is true that getting a job is difficult in this competitive world. You should know that a good written and a strong informative resume is one of the best way to apply in job openings. You should know that a resume should be written in such a way that can fascinate the recruiter. It is true that a good written resume will enhance the level of interest for the reader. This will help you to increase the chances of getting an interview call. At the same time, it will also increase the chances of getting the job as well.

It is true that each and every resume will produce its own way of impression. If you are planning to write your resume then you should consider some important factors. It is true that the information, which you provide in the resume, should be clear. The reader should be easily able to understand the information. It is always advisable to create a niche resume for each and every job opening. You should not forget to write your career objective in the resume. You should know that most of the interviewers will go through the career objective in detail.

You will come across many people who would consider having a big size resume. However, this is not right practice to develop a niche resume. You should know that strong information is more considered in comparison to the length of information. You should keep the information short and simple. You should know that recruiters will not spend more time in reading long information.

If you are willing to writing a niche resume then please ask a request.

Resume | Resume Writing India | CV Writing India

Friday, March 19, 2010

Are you looking for a high quality resume guaranteed to deliver results?

Even if you know you are the perfect match for a job, your resume and cover letter can still land in the circular file. Why? Because they do not powerfully position your background, expertise, and accomplishments with the employer’s expectations in mind.

Today's job market is the most competitive we've seen in years, yet nearly 90% of job seekers attempt to write their own resume with little success. Many of these job seekers have since learned that writing their own resume actually prolonged their job search and wound up costing thousands of dollars in lost income.

For over 10 years we've been delivering expertly written resumes that produce interviews for management, executive, technology, sales and marketing, healthcare, medical, teaching, administration, hospitality, financial, banking, science, software, communications, engineering, and other professional industries.

Choose the resume package that meets your needs and fits your budget. In addition to traditional resumes and cover letters we also offer web resumes and web portfolios.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Order Your Resume Critique Report Today!

Our resume critique report is designed to help you improve your resume. You will receive a customized resume evaluation based on our close examination of your resume. We review every single aspect of your resume and provide detailed feedback and suggestions. We tell you what your resume is lacking and will provide you with sentences and keywords to replace or improve upon your existing information.

Our report includes visual call outs, text boxes and arrows pointing to sections of your resume with comments about what is wrong and why. In addition to our report, which is built right into your resume, you will receive a separate file of pre-written sentences and keywords and a ready-to-go formatted resume template appropriate to jump start your new resume.

1. We will evaluate your resume and prepare an in-depth resume critique in a comprehensive, visual report.
2. Our resume critique will address content, approach, and format with sample sentences to improve your resume.
3. You will receive your resume critique report in 3 days via email (with the exception of weekends and holidays).

We will acknowledge payment and send your customized resume critique report and pre-formatted MS Word resume template in 3 days by email

Order your resume critique report at

Resume Writing | CV Writing India | Resume Writing India

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


A well-written, high-quality resume clearly matters. Your resume is your public face as a job seeker. It is the first thing that is seen by those who make the decisions about interviewing and hiring. Your resume introduces you to those decision-makers, and it forms their first impressions of you as a candidate for employment. Those first impressions frequently determine who is chosen for that very important first step to employment - the interview. Once you get interviews, the value of a quality resume continues to pay dividends. A good resume helps to shape interviews such that you asked the questions with which you are most comfortable and that highlight your strongest capabilities.


Evidence shows that a professional resume of high quality shortens job-search time and improves the quality of match between employers and employees. Yet most of us are not professional resume writers. Do you have the knowledge and skills to produce the resume that you need? Can you describe yourself and your career accurately and objectively? Do you know how to choose among chronological, functional, targeted, and combination resume formats? Do you know how to organize a resume that flows naturally and is easy to read? Can you capture your experience, skills, talents, credentials, and interests in one or two brief pages? Will the result be compelling to employers? Are you equipped to write your own resume, or should you seek the services of a resume professional?

Whether your need a resume to land a new job, or are applying for fellowships or grants, the skilled and experienced writers at Careercubicle know how to tackle the enormous task of organizing your career data and crafting it into an effective and dynamic Curriculum Vitae. Order Now! At

Resume Writing India | Resume Writing

Monday, March 15, 2010

Is A Resume Really Necessary?

A resume is your personal marketing tool– a critical document required to get you called in for a job interview. A professional resume should present your career history, accomplishments, and education in a concise, informative one to two page documents. A professional resume is mandatory in today’s job market because the contents can be scanned, visually or electronically, to meet each company’s specific requirements and quickly weed out unqualified applicants. A resume is not an autobiography, but a document that can open doors to your next career opportunity via headhunters, corporate H.R. departments, targeted mailings, answering ads or internet posting sites.

The major portion of a resume presents your job responsibilities and accomplishments under the heading of Professional Experience. Typically, career experience is listed in reverse chronological order, starting with your present or most recent position. Company names, dates of employment, and titles held are listed for each position and a brief synopsis of your responsibilities should be included under each title.

The most effective resumes include accomplishments as well as responsibilities under each job description. Accomplishments or achievements can be presented through brief, bulleted statements which demonstrate how you increased sales, reduced expenses, expanded market share, or introduced new training programs, etc.

While your resume is written to present and highlight your career experience and achievements, a cover letter’s job is to target the specific information that you would like prospective employers to focus on. The cover letter should include the name of the position you are applying for, list a few examples of how your experience fits in perfectly with the job description, briefly outline your related job experience, and refer to the specific sections on your resume where this can be shown.

A cover letter is the only place where you can address questions of relocation, pending licenses or certifications, any specific physical disabilities which you need the employer to be aware of, or other outstanding circumstances which are not reflected on your resume. Remember to keep the cover letter brief and professional. The cover letter can never take the place of a resume but is an important letter of introduction used in conjunction with your resume.

To know more about our resume writing services, please checkout our resume writing services page and ask a request for write your resume by an expert resume writer.

Resume | Resume Writing | Resume Writing India

Friday, March 12, 2010

Do you want a professionally written resume?

I am sure that every job seeker would love to have a professional resume. Well, here is your chance, we are writing professional resume by certified resume writers, all you have to do is ask an order on our website and you will eligible to win a professionally written resume. You think that you have a good CV, lots of experience and the right educational qualification. But yet you are not getting those interviews. Have you ever had anyone give feedback on your CV or wondered how your CV compares to others in the industry?

If you have trouble finding the right words boosting your resume writing cover letters, please have a look on our Resume Writing Cover Letter Service page and please ask an order for a Professional Resume Writing cover Letter.

Resume | Resume Writing India

Thursday, March 11, 2010

What Does a Resume Do, Really?

Understanding what your resume is really supposed to do is the key to putting your best self forward on paper. Most people think of their resume as a job application, but it's really an interview application.

No matter how well put together it is, a resume alone won't get you a job. What it can do is get you in the door for a face-to-face interview, which (if you nail it) is what will land you the job. So keep in mind when writing your resume that its purpose is to get you an interview, not get you a job. Do your Resume good enough to be shortlisted? Get your Resume Written by an expert. Select any your afford options for Resume writing at and get your professional Resume.

Resume Writing India | Resume Writing Services

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Do you really need a cover letter?

Your cover letter presents your intentions, qualifications, and availability to a prospective employer in a succinct, appealing format. It's your first chance to make a great impression, a personalized letter indicates you are serious about your job search. Your resume can give the nitty-gritty of dates, places of employment, and education but your cover letter must entice the reader to take the extra few minutes to consider you when faced with hundreds and thousands of candidates for any one job opening.

You bet! Just as you would never just show up unannounced at a prospective employer's door, your resume should Never just appear solo on a decision- maker's desk. Your cover letter is your first opportunity to introduce yourself, present your qualifications, and show the search committee you are a potential candidate for the advertised position.

Our writers know exactly what recruiters are looking for in a cover letter. We know all the key phrases and target terms for every industry and every position level. You can rest assured that any cover letter we write for you will be of the highest quality and made according to the latest and most advanced techniques. We can write a cover letter for a specific position or provide you with a template which you can alter for multiple distributions. Whatever the case may be, Career Cubicle is ready to create a cover letter for you that will get noticed and set the stage for your resume. Please check out our resume writing services page: and ask a request for write your resume or cover letter by an expert resume writer.


Resume Writing | Cover Letter Writing

Monday, March 8, 2010

How to write a resume?

Resume writing is a critical task. People are always confused about resuming writing. They don't know what to write in a resume. Writing a great resume does not necessarily mean you should follow the rules you hear from others. It does not have to be just one page in length or follow a specific resume format. Every resume is a one-of-a-kind marketing communication. It should be appropriate to your situation and do exactly what you want it to do. To know more about our resume writing services, please checkout our resume writing services and ask a request for write your resume by an expert resume writer.

Resume Writing | Resume Writing Services

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Are you a Fresher or an Experienced Professional?

If you are looking for the BEST professional resume writing services, you have found the right place. Our resume writing services specialize in writing resumes for level experienced professionals. With our resume writing services, we will write your resume to effectively highlight your strengths to employers. We provide high quality resume writing services at affordable prices. Allow our resume writing services to create your outstanding resume, so that you can focus on excelling in your own area of expertise.

Our resume writing services include 5 levels of services:

2)Early Career Professional(1-3 yrs)
3)Mid Career Professional(3-5 yrs)
4)Senior Professional(5-8 yrs)
5)Director/VP/C Level

Choose the one which suits you most. How we can help you with our Professional Resume Writing Services?

We can create a resume that makes you stand out from the crowd. We will help you get interviews quickly and the job you've always wanted. Also, we work with you personally - for your professional resume writing, you can get in touch with us at any time with questions or suggestions. Throughout the entire process, you can have direct contact with our team. What separates us from most other resume writing services is the personalized approach we take to developing your resume.

Let our resume writing services help you find the success you deserve. Have your resume written for you by our Professional Resume Writing team. Our resume writing services offer professional resumes with most affordable prices possible. Submit your request for resume writing at and receive your perfect resume within 7 days.

We write high performance resumes, cover letters and professional profiles, > 95% of our clients get hired in less than 90 days. Find out why...

Resume Writing India | Resume Writing Services

Monday, March 1, 2010

Is It Time to Update Your Resume?

We are always making lists to keep on top of the daily/weekly schedules and deadlines that face us in our business lives. But, odds are, that many of us keep our noses to the grindstone and forget to do a periodic check to see if our jobs and careers are still on track. Here is a checklist of ten items you may want to refer to every six months or so to see if it’s time to update your resume and look for greener pastures on the job front.

1.SALARY ENVY – The guy in the cubicle next to you just got a new job offer at twice his current salary.
2.PINK SLIPS IN THE AIR – Company layoffs are rumored but your boss says there is nothing to worry about.
3.NEW CAREER PATH – Your old resume lists your previous jobs as a massage therapist and personal trainer even though you now have eight years experience as a commodities trader.
4.TIME FLIES – Your most recent resume does not include the last two years of work and accomplishments at your present firm.
5.NEW PRIORITIES -Your resume lists more fraternity and college sports awards than job accomplishments.
6.LESS IS MORE -With the addition of your present job, your resume is now three pages long.
7.MOVING ON -The address and telephone number on your resume are from your last home/apartment.
8.NO PERSONAL STUFF -Your resume includes Hobbies and Personal Information after the Education section.
9.HIGH TECH UPDATE – Your resume does not list any of the computer software you’ve learned to use in the last two years.

Please check our customers feedback about our services

For a Resume Critique/Price Quote, ask an order at

Uma Money is a HR professional with 22+ years of industry experience with premier organizations like Grindwell Norton Ltd., & Tata Infotech (currently TCS). She is the only Indian to have a Certification in Resume Writing qualifying as a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) from the globally accredited professional Resume Writing body, Professional Association of Resume Writers (PARW), USA.

Resume Writing | Resume Analysis