Friday, March 26, 2010

What Not To Include In Resume?

Your resume is a piece of paper that serves to introduce you to the people who will eventually hire you. When you gathered information for each section of your resume, it's time to write it out in a way that will get the attention of the reviewer. The language you use in your resume will affect its success, so you must be careful and conscientious.

To begin, you're going to translate the facts you have gathered into the active, precise language of resume writing. You will be aiming for a resume that keeps the reader's interest and highlights your accomplishments in a concise and effective way. Certain things should always be included in your resume, but others are optional. Your choice of optional sections depends on your own background and employment needs.

Always use information that will put you in a favorable light-unless it's absolutely essential, avoid anything that will prompt the interviewer to ask questions about your weakness or something else that could be unflattering. Make sure all information you are providing is accurate and truthful. Here are some guidelines about what to and not to include in the resume while writing it

Things to Be Included in Resume
Following are the things that should be included in your resume:
*Include a career or job objective if it's specific. If your objective is general, instead include a summary of skills and qualifications.
•Include all work experience and education.
•Include any strengths and accomplishments in your job descriptions.

Things Not To Be Included in Resume
Following are the things that should not be included in your resume:
•Do not list salaries for any job.
•Do not include personal information, such as date of birth, marital status, religion, ethnic group, height, weight, or health.
•Do not include names of supervisors or references. You may end your resume with statement "References available on request," but this is optional and can be omitted if you have space concerns.
•Do not use the word Resume on the top of the page

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