Monday, March 1, 2010

Is It Time to Update Your Resume?

We are always making lists to keep on top of the daily/weekly schedules and deadlines that face us in our business lives. But, odds are, that many of us keep our noses to the grindstone and forget to do a periodic check to see if our jobs and careers are still on track. Here is a checklist of ten items you may want to refer to every six months or so to see if it’s time to update your resume and look for greener pastures on the job front.

1.SALARY ENVY – The guy in the cubicle next to you just got a new job offer at twice his current salary.
2.PINK SLIPS IN THE AIR – Company layoffs are rumored but your boss says there is nothing to worry about.
3.NEW CAREER PATH – Your old resume lists your previous jobs as a massage therapist and personal trainer even though you now have eight years experience as a commodities trader.
4.TIME FLIES – Your most recent resume does not include the last two years of work and accomplishments at your present firm.
5.NEW PRIORITIES -Your resume lists more fraternity and college sports awards than job accomplishments.
6.LESS IS MORE -With the addition of your present job, your resume is now three pages long.
7.MOVING ON -The address and telephone number on your resume are from your last home/apartment.
8.NO PERSONAL STUFF -Your resume includes Hobbies and Personal Information after the Education section.
9.HIGH TECH UPDATE – Your resume does not list any of the computer software you’ve learned to use in the last two years.

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Uma Money is a HR professional with 22+ years of industry experience with premier organizations like Grindwell Norton Ltd., & Tata Infotech (currently TCS). She is the only Indian to have a Certification in Resume Writing qualifying as a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) from the globally accredited professional Resume Writing body, Professional Association of Resume Writers (PARW), USA.

Resume Writing | Resume Analysis

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